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incorrigo syx is a public internet relay chat network with user account and channel services
welcome to incorrigo syx
you can connect to our network using your irc client or our web chat straight from your browser
new site development: work is ongoing to put some actual effort towards giving our site a front end. our web chat is fine and works on any (size) device with a browser, but truth be told the website could be a lot better. so - coupled with the other announcement below - work is underway that will give you a more informative and overall better display
your curiosity satisfied: following some feedback from curious / random new users who have popped up lately, we needed to readily answer a few basic questions. some of you don't need / understand all of this information - but if you come from a country the TV tells us we don't like, or you're just looking for a new network that isn't saturated ... but it would be nice to know that your services account isn't going to vanish next time the config file changes;
(a) we are / have been legit for several years, i.e. TLS v1.3 / an actual network / all servers SSL certified / online 24/7 / managed bespoke infrastructure provider
(b) users connecting from any country are welcome even if the television says we are supposed to hate you
(c) we have fully working services and they are secure i.e. certfp, SASL, account verification &c. - your account isn't going to disappear during our next upgrade
(d) all servers and services / configuration are upgraded frequently, and tested regularly
(e) even the newest IRC clients are going to work perfectly fine, we aren't restricted to some out of date protocol, there should be no problem for your client(s) working alongside our web chat / with each other
(f) we have taken very sensible precautions to protect your session from nuisances, such as dns blacklists, Q and N lines, basic spam filtering, human-detectable interventions, things like that
(g) our services are properly (and regularly re-) configured, secure account verification, not storing users' passwords, secure inbox = secure account
(h) all of our servers are operated by us, and use a consistent and shared configuration - every change is immediately rolled out to all servers
(i) although you might trigger a spam filter for advertising one, we are neither for / against any other network. for decades irc clients have supported multiple server connections, and we live in an era where having another tab open doesn't take its toll
(j) if you're still not convinced, knowing all this information - it's always possible to log on and ask
(k) our web chat uses a secure gateway so every web session is encrypted with TLS
(l) anything that we can do better is being observed and worked on all the time - like our website eventually
if there is anything you think we ought to cover in this list, then we will welcome you. if you're satisfied with our answers though, you can come and say hi if you want - but it's not required - and we will make sure the criteria in this list aren't gonna change any time soon
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connection settings
use these details to connect via your irc client
port: +6697 (use TLS) | plaintext: 6666-6669
(our STS policy is given to all incoming connections, and should prevent accidentally unsecure connections)
incorrigo syx is made possible by:
unrealircd v6.1.9.1 / anope stable 2.0.17
feeling brand new? it looks good on you
new user guide to incorrigo syx
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incorrigo syx © westid [ MCMLXXXVIII / MMXXV ] all rights reserved